Colin Matthews

Favourite Yoga Posture: Uttanasana (Forward bend), because it requires tremendous humility to look inward and honour one's boundaries.

Colin Matthews - Director

Colin invites an ever-evolving conversation, with one’s self and the community.  His teaching is infused with passion for life, self-empowerment, healing and the power of intention. His light-hearted spirit inspires a playful and engaged practice that is deeply rooted in the Anusara tradition.

Colin draws continued inspiration from his teachers, Naime Jezzeny, Sue Elkind, Sianna Sherman and Douglas Brooks.  He has also studied with Bikram Choudhry, Judith Lasater, Ken Nateshvar Scott, and John Friend. 

Colin co-teaches Kula’s advance study and teacher training
certification program.

Off the mat, he’s known to climb great rock faces, indulge in woodworking, and cherish time with his wife, Anne Marie.

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